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The OpenISES Project
Web LinksHere you will find a collection of links to various sites on the web that are related to the eBook Writer. Make sure you download and install the software in the 'Required Files' section. The eBook Reader requires these files in order to compile and view the files properly.
Required FilesThe following is a collection of links to download files that are necessary to fully operate the eBook Writer. These files are NOT open source software. We have no connection in any way to any of the companies that are offering this software. Please read and understand each user agreement before you use these files.
Palm DropBook
Files that Are Nice to HaveThese files are not necessary to create and compile eBook Reader files, but their use probably be helpful as you create your files. These files are NOT open source software. We have no connection in any way to any of the companies that are offering this software. Please read and understand each user agreement before you use these files.
eBook Reader
Palm Emulator
Palm Desk Top
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