eBook Writer




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From this page, you can download and review the documentation for the eBook Writer program, without having to download and install the entire program.

Files and Formats

The documentation listed here will be made available in several forms. It may be as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file, which is a 'read-only' file. Another format is the OpenDocument (odt) document file. These files can be opened and modified using OpenOffice or other word proccessor that supports the open document standard. You may also find files in plain text (txt) format, that can be opened on just about any type of word processor.

To open the documents inside your browser, simply click on the link. To download the file to your hard drive, right click on the link and select 'Save File As...' All of the documents contained here are released under the GNU Free Documentation License

File Listing

There are currently no files available for downloading. Please check back later as we are working to develop a user's manual and other items.

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